All Leaves Seem Affected

marijuana copper deficiency

Copper Deficiency

Copper an Essential Copper is an essential nutrient throughout a plant’s life cycle. Its role in the formation of cell walls, chlorophyll production and other metabolic process’s directly affect photosynthesis and respiration. Luckily its only needed in very low quantities.   While the right amount of Copper is nessicary for normal plant growth and development

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cannabis fungus gnats

Fungus Gnats

Fungus Gnats: Sciarid Flies also Known as Bradysia Paupera Fungus gnats are an invasive pest, spending most of their lives causing damage to your plant’s internals and root zones, growers of various mediums need to take precautions and reactive measures once an infestation has occurred. Fungus Gnats As an adult the sciarid flies or fungus

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leaf septoria yellow leaf spot

Leaf Septoria / Leaf Blotch

Leaf Septoria or leaf blotch is known to cause damage to many crops and cannabis is no exception. Usually affecting lower leaves this fungus tends to be seen most in early spring and summer and not as much in winter.  When dealing with early onset of Septoria you will notice chlorotic specks that become irregularly

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Nitrogen Toxicity

Nitrogen Toxicity Signs of Nitrogen Toxicity: Plants that are showing signs of nitrogen toxicity will be affected differently at different stages of life for example young growth and young pants can show the telltale dark green leaves as well as a claw like look. But older plants that are in flower might have enough energy

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Nutrient Burn

Nutrient burn is more often than not something every grower has dealt with at one time. Your plants like to eat, sometimes they eat more then they need so when your feed solution has a very high E.C, or PPMS, you will see this very common reaction on your plants. There are benefits to a

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Over Watering

Overwatering is mainly an issue for soil or substrate-based media the reason for the effects can be also seen in hydro but since it’s so unlikely we will only talk about overwatering/overfeeding your soil-based plants. Overwatering Is not always a result of simply watering to much but more that you have been watering too often. 

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Kill Spider Mites

Spider Mites Spider mites are a species of insects that every cannabis grower is familiar with. These small insects, which are relatives of spiders can be managed and prevented.  Prevention The first step any grower takes to keep a pest-free environment is preventative measures. There are a number if very simple steps any grower can do

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