Season 2 Episode 5
This week on Growing Exposed, join host Amanda MacKay, for another insiders look into the world of cannabis cultivation as well as growing tips delivered straight from the pros.
This time we journey into the heart of outdoor growing in the entire United States, Humboldt County. Humboldt County is home to 130,000 people and it’s estimated that one in five is connected to the cannabis industry in one-way or another. Its home to a unique blend of hippies, rednecks and what the locals like to call, the “trimmigrants.”
Humboldt County is a grower’s paradise and today’s tour takes us to Kiskanu Farms. Kiskanu Farms runs a low-tech garden and it’s the first that we have featured that is completely off the grid! Fans, pumps and all other equipment utilize solar power so the sun is doing a lot more than just delivering light to the plants in this garden.
Our tour guide Justin navigates through the thick forest to this secluded location and begins the tour with Jason from Kiskanu Farms. Jason explains the different microclimates in Humboldt and how being closer to the ocean affects the grow and when to trim. Using manual light deprivation techniques, they’ve induced two flowering cycles in their plants without any artificial lighting.
Next, we get a closer look at the plants themselves and learn how solar power and geopots help make their product unique. We go into detail about the different strains grown at Kiskanu Farms, and Jason talks about the wide variety of genetics available in Humboldt County. For over fifty years farmers have been breeding and sourcing genetics in Humboldt County, and this library of cannabis genetics will help the industry with phenohunting and new techniques like fresh frozen.
In teachings of the garden sage…David Robinson, author of The Growers Handbook, discusses the principle needs of growing cannabis whether you’re growing indoors or out. When growing outdoors you’re relying a lot on Mother Nature for sunlight, etc. and hopefully Mother Nature is consistent to produce the highest quality flower possible. David gives tips on how using Back Country Blend will supply plants with the nutrients they need. He also explains how important it is for growers to find the right strain for their specific environment when growing outdoors.
Fresh frozen entails freezing the entire plant at minus twelve degrees within four hours of cutting; which helps to preserve the turbine profile of the plant. The Kiskanu team is also currently experimenting with local extractors.
Then, In Teachings of The Garden Sage, David Robinson discusses the difference between indoor and outdoor gardens. Most notably with growing outdoors it’s hard to maintain consistency and the farmer can be at the mercy of the environment and Mother Nature. Moving indoors gives growers much more control, from everything to lighting to airflow, to cooling and heating equipment, etc.
Growing in the mountains, you can’t just expect to turn on the taps to get water so back in Humboldt, at Kiskanu Farms, we are shown their containment ponds. Containment ponds collect rainwater and are another way of the growers being self-supportive and staying off the grid. Jason talks about the importance of great soil and how Royal Gold soil has always been their soil of choice.
We then travel to look at the CBD patch on the farm. This type of plant has been getting lots of attention in the medical cannabis community. It doesn’t have a psychoactive impact like you’d normally get with THC. However, Jason and Justin discuss why ideally CBD should be used with small doses of THC.
Next, Justin talks to Gretchen about how Kiskanu Farms got its name from a tree in the Garden of Eden and what the name represents. She then shares with us other products available from Kiskanu including cannabis skin rub for nerve and muscle pain, cannabis suppositories used for cramps and back pain, and even personal lubricant for not only pleasure but also relaxing cells and relieving pain.
Remember you can always watch extended cuts and bonus features of all our garden tours at, and we would love to connect with you on social media. Follow us at @growingexpsd. Until next time, this grow…has been exposed!