High Desert Dope Cup
Season 2 Episode 13
Growing Exposed is the number one show for cannabis lovers. Not only do we get inside the biggest and most incredible gardens in North America, and get growing tips straight from the most experienced of growers, we also help our viewers experience the most innovative events in cannabis culture. Today, we go to the High Desert Dope Cup in Adelanto, California where Justin will take us along as he meets the vendors, talks to attendees, and gets invited by the locals to check out their goods.
The Dope Cup is a smokers paradise and it has something for everyone. Attendees can eat, shop and of course sample, some of the latest in cannabis products. There’s entertainment and it has a festival like vibe. It’s the coming out party for the recently merged Dope Magazine and High Times.
Justin starts by working the crowd and meeting attendees. We check out gold dipped cannabis jewelry, a big preroll from $5 prerolls, some good old-fashioned flower and much more; leading to the very first rap battle on Growing Exposed. Who won? Let us know in the comments!
One of the best parts about attending events like the Dope Cup is meeting the people and discovering innovative products that are coming onto the market. Next, Justin learns more about an alternative way of consuming cannabis by using a product called Cannastrips.
Cannastrips are made locally in Adelanto and our cameras were the first to visit their facility, bringing our viewers, yet another exclusive tour. Jonathon, master designer, of LDS Gardens shows us around.
We start by checking out Cannastrips themselves, the product that put the company on the map. Consumers are able to buy ten cannstrips (a total of 100 mg) for ten dollars making it an affordable option. The patented design, created by a MIT chemist, is made to be put between the users cheek and gum and absorbed, making it a sublingual not an edible. Jonathan shows Justin how Cannastrips are made with a strip machine that makes four miles of strips at a time. Cannastrips are fast acting and are available in dispensaries now.
Tikun is a global medical cannabis brand that produces evidence-based award winning products for a variety of specific ailments. They mean to “repair the world” and we take you to their headquarters to find out exactly what that means.
At White Angel farm in Adelanto, we are met by Rami Vardi, the man behind Spectrum King Lighting, who is also responsible for bringing the Tikun brand to California. We start by looking at the plants themselves, in the garden that’s entirely running Spectrum King lighting. We hear about the gardens output and find out why they hang their lights the way they do, resulting in full light saturation for their cannabis plants. Rami also breaks down the technical specifications of the efficient LED lighting and explains VPD; vapor pressure deficit.
In Teachings of the Garden Sage, our resident expert, David Robinson speaks with Or, from Spectrum King, to share some tips on how to successfully grow with LED lights. Specifically how temperature can affect your yield, and why it might be necessary to increase your water consumption as well. The conditions are different in a LED lit grow and these tips will benefit any garden, regardless of its size.
Back at the Dope Cup, Justin catches up with David Tran, a pioneer in the cannabis industry and one of the founders of Dope Magazine, which recently merged with High Times. He tells us some of the history of Dope magazine, which launched in 2011, including how they came up with the name. Dope stands for Defending Our Plant Everywhere. He speaks on the importance of the people and the stories in the cannabis community and how they will help normalize the industry.
That concludes our day in the life of Justin. As always, you can find past episodes and extended tours on our website and we love to connect on social media @growingexpsd @growgreenplanet @theamandamackay @thegardensagetm
Teachings of the Garden Sage