Growing Organic Marijuana
Organic is the new hype in our day and age. Basically, everything must be organic, ranging from food to hygiene products and what not.
And the same “organic” tag applies to marijuana growing, obviously, especially when we’re talking about medicinal marijuana use.
First things, first, let’s define terms. Organic, what does that mean? Well, the difference between mass production/industrial agriculture (also known as agribusiness) and organic farming is that the latter only uses natural fertilizers of organic origin and biological pest control (such as fostering of insect predators, mixed cropping etc), as opposed to synthetic herbicides and pesticides used in the former.
Basically, organic farming puts an emphasis on natural fertilizers, stuff like manure, bone meal and compost, together with crop rotation and companion planting.
Organic agriculture is regulated by industry standards, which only permit using natural occurring substances, while synthetic ones are only allowed in certain amounts or prohibited all together. Natural pesticides such as rotenone and pyrethrin are permitted, while synthetic pesticides/fertilizers are strictly prohibited generally speaking.
Getting back to our business, i.e. cultivating organic marijuana for medicinal purposes, the practices are by no means complex nor messy.
If you’re growing outdoors, it’s relatively easy to go fully organic, thanks to the natural advantages of the business, like soil fertility and composting.
For indoor growers, you’ll have to create your own “natural” environment, but that’s relatively straight forward and doable without breaking the bank.
Due to the huge progresses made in the realm of indoor organic farming, thanks in no small measure to world’s best pot farmers, which accumulated and shared their knowledge, you can definitely achieve good yields of high quality, i.e. awesome harvests of sticky nugs using readily available products and materials.
However, there are limitations to growing indoors organic marijuana; for example, you can’t use composted poultry or manure, regardless how god they are. There’s the smell issue and other problems which never occur when growing outdoors, so you’ll have to look for the solution elsewhere.
When growing organic marijuana indoors, your safest bet is to use organic minerals/solutions, which will help you make sure your plants are benefiting from all the nutrients they require, minus the stink factor.
If you want to get to the next level in growing organic marijuana indoors, you should learn a thing or two about the Nitrogen Cycle. In this way, you’ll be able to determine with precision if/when you can up the intake of nitrogen in your hydroponic fertilizer, so your plants will benefit the most.
When using organic nutrients, available in various forms, you’ll have full control over the most important aspects of marijuana cultivation: nutrition and fertility.
The idea is to use/cycle the natural occurring substances found in healthy compost/manure , such as enzymes, beneficial fungi/bacteria and humates, through the soil of your indoors growing project. A great way to nourish organic marijuana crops is to make your own compost tea brews, using kelp meal, earth worm castings, glacial rock dust and alfalfa meals.
Keep in mind that one of the best organic fertilizers available on the market is Medi one, which is formulated using the best natural ingredients for organic gardening.
Medi one contains stuff like fish soluble extracts, slowly steamed and hydrolyzed for preserving the amino-acids intact, blended with blood meal, kelp extract and potssium sulphate, for providing your plants all the essential minerals, such as phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.
Also, Medi one is further enriched with natural humate complexes, for increasing the natural balance of this great organic fertilizer, which contains all the nutrients required by the plant for producing an abundant fragrant, but in a natural way.
Another great thing about the Medi one organic fertilizer is that it can be used on various crops. Being a liquid formula, you can safely add it to your flowers, fruits, house plants and trees diet, for promoting a healthy growth, as it provides all the essentials: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a 4-3-3 ratio.
Last but not least, the type of growing media you’re using is very important when going fully organic, so you should choose containers or raised beds filled with stuff like perlite, coco coir, earth worm castings or sphagnum moss, as organic bud growers achieved their best crops using these.
If everything is done right, an all organic/well flushed bud is one of the best tasting and smoothest medicine you’ve ever tried, and you can take that to the bank!