Dealing with a Lack of Motivation


Dealing with a Lack of Motivation

Happy Tuesday Canna Fam. I am on day 17 after leaving Oklahoma City, and still making my way back to my home state of Oregon. This week I decided to poll my followers on Instagram to find out what topic would help you guys the most. I was not surprised to find people choosing the topic of motivation with the current year that we are all dealing with. There are many factors that can impact one’s motivation, and I will do my best to share with you my ways of keeping myself motivated while being on the road. One of my favorite motivational quotes is, “Believe you can, and you are halfway there” – Theodore Roosevelt. I am a firm believer of being your own worst enemy when it comes to getting in the way of your own goals, so let’s begin with accountability and remaining present when it comes to motivation!  

To those who answered this topic for this week, you are already well on your way to being motivated again! Admitting to yourself that you do not want to do anything, well it is actually kind of hard sometimes. As humans, we tend to feel extremely guilty when we are not constantly doing things that serve us or others. As surprising as it may sound, sometimes the answer to not being motivated is to turn off completely. A lot of us learn the hard way how much your body and mind need a reset sometimes. It is important to understand when you are not motivated due to pushing yourself too hard and your own energy levels and mind. In these moments, the best way for me to get myself going again is to listen to my body. When you stay present with yourself, it is a lot easier to identify why you are going through what you are going through, and how you can move forward effectively.

On the other hand, there are many possible extenuating circumstances impacting your motivation as well. If you read my blog last week about choosing your circles wisely, you probably have already considered your 5 closest friends and if they are possibly having an impact on your motivation. We tend to aim to please others in life, and sometimes this is at a cost to whatever we have going on for ourselves. I know for me this was especially hard when I chose to quit drinking four years ago. I never realized how much it was distracting to my current goals and path I was on to continue to have the same circle, or at least spend as much time with that circle. It is extremely important to share some common goals and values with that friend group for that exact reason. This way, when you are not feeling motivated, you will have your circle helping you to get back on track. I know it does not help that the world is the way it is right now in 2020, but this is when it is even more important to make sure you have the right support systems. 

I mentioned when beginning this blog back in April that it was important to me for people to have a place to go to discuss issues that may be more on a personal level, or regarding mental health. I really want to make sure that this is not ignored on a topic such as motivation, and in such a hard time in the world right now. A lack of motivation can be very closely correlated with depression, and this is not something I want my audience to take lightly. This year has been life changing for many, and between Covid-19, natural disasters, racial fights for justice, and this damn election, it is more common to be experiencing anxiety or depression at this time. I may seem super happy and bubbly at all times LOL, but I too struggle with anxiety and I have had to make sure to check in with myself way more often this year. This is also when I find it most important in your life to sometimes take a DETOUR. 

When you have been in a routine for a while in life, and all of the sudden you just cannot seem to have the same energy or thrill for it anymore, learn to go off course. As humans, I think that we tend to get really stuck in our ways and our patterns. For a lot of us, this can almost be necessary to get anything done. Living on the road, my dog Copper and I definitely have our daily routines. However, when I am struggling to get motivated to do that same daily routine, I realize this is when I need to disconnect. Sometimes it is as simple as changing my environment and stepping away from whatever it is I am currently attempting to do. It is definitely scary when you are so used to doing the same thing and getting positive results. Change can be terrifying, and sometimes before we make these changes, it is hard to believe that they may actually make a difference. I challenge you to step outside your current element. Do something that maybe you have always wanted too, but never made time for like a hobby. Whether it be learning to surf, going on that incline hike you have been intimidated by, or reorganizing your house, do things that challenge you to change your environment. You can also take baby steps with this. If you are really bad at changing things, start with maybe a new song on your playlist. Do anything you can to create a new environment for yourself with new opportunities, and then check in with yourself and your motivation levels. By remaining present with ourselves and what fills our cup, we are able to better target what keeps us motivated. 

Overall, please please be easy on yourselves right now. 2020 has been challenging to say the least. We have been tested on our patience, our resiliency, our integrity, and many other values and morals we all have. If you are less motivated than normal, I am sure this can be expected with what we are currently experiencing as countries. My best advice to my fellow friends and family is to stay present within yourself. Focus on your mental health and overall happiness at this point in time. If you are feeling unmotivated, reach out to your friends and family, or reach out to me. Use your resources, and take control of your life in the most positive way you can. Try not to make excuses for the position you are in, but instead accept where you are at and start working on where you would like to be. Motivation is contagious, so keep motivated people around you, or follow motivated people on your social media platforms. One of my favorite motivational speakers is Gary Vaynerchuk, and I like to watch inspiring videos or podcast when I cannot seem to dig deep enough within to motivate myself. Overall, never give up on yourself or what you are passionate about. Motivation comes and goes, but filling your cup and making sure you are happy is a necessity.

Please send any topics, comments, suggestions, or questions to ch*********@gm***.com. Everything will remain confidential, unless otherwise agree upon.  

Picture of Chyanne Stanley

Chyanne Stanley

Chyanne joined the cannabis industry in 2016. She has combined her love for people and positivity, with her passion for writing to provide an outlet and safe place for people within the cannabis community to share ideas, discuss topics, and improve overall mental health.

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