No One Can Steal Your Happy


No One Can Steal Your Happy

Happy Monday Canna Fam!! I am officially back on my journey toward the West Coast and feeling extremely refreshed and excited to be headed toward my home state. I am not only in one of the best places I have ever been in life mentally and spiritually, but I have a wonderful support system set in place as well. I never understood just how important it is to find people in your life that match your energy and overall vibes. Life is extremely hard, but when you find yourself a like-minded tribe, it tends to get easier. Energy is precious, and when someone starts throwing yours off, it is okay to eliminate those people from your life. 

There is a phrase that I have heard twice in the last week and felt that it was necessary to talk about today. It goes along the lines of, you are who you associate with, so look around at your five closest friends and choose wisely. Now some people may disagree and say that it does not matter who you surround yourself with, that you can still be completely separate from them. I believe that it is extremely important to share similar values and morals with your direct circle. I will even go a step further to say how important it is to have people in your circle who want to see you win. I have met way too many people who complain about the people they associate with, rather than actually take the time to build themselves a solid support group. Nobody needs the friend that is constantly threatened by them, and always raining on your parade. Instead, find people who are also trying to better themselves and hold themselves to higher standards. I have experienced several manipulative friendships or relationships where I genuinely wanted the other person to win. Unfortunately, not everybody looks out for each other the way you might, so it is extremely important to stay strong and firm in your values. There are so many people in the world and if one human does not share the same ethical views, I guarantee there are others out there who do.  

Having a great support system also aligns in my mind with your career choice. If you choose a career or job that fills your cup, yet no one else on that work team shares your same values, you may end up not being happy being a part of that specific crew. The cool thing about being a human in our world, is we have a choice of whether we want to continue to put up with things that we do not agree with. If you are in a toxic work environment, just like being in a toxic relationship, there is a door that you can walk out of. We may struggle to find this door and play around with the knob for ten minutes too long, but the door is there and it does this amazing thing called “close”. I think a lot of people struggle with closing doors, yet find it extremely easy to open them. If we learn how to be more selective with the people we let into our lives, I think some would find it a lot easier to remain in control of their happiness. I feel like the more I focus on my happy and what I can control, the less I let others unhappiness have an impact on me. If I did not have such a positive work team that I get to be a part of, I do know that the challenges and obstacles I face would feel a lot more impossible. Calling in to my inside sales girl is a highlight in my day. We are a team, and share positivity, love, goals, fears, and we work together to make change in the world. It is pure teamwork, and I am grateful to surround myself with people that challenge me and make me want to do better and be better on the daily. 

If you currently are finding yourself constantly fighting to be heard, maybe it is time to surround yourself with people who will listen. If you feel like you no longer share the same values you once did with your current circle, it is okay to grow and find a new circle that does align with your current path. Life is about change, and evolving. Sometimes we get in these ruts where we feel stuck, or just unsure how to move forward. Ironically, a lot of the time you are creating this environment for yourself by who you choose to spend your time with. I think this is specifically why I have enjoyed my alone time so much lately. It is refreshing to remind yourself of who you are and what those values that are most important to you are. Then when you put yourself back into your circles, it is easier to recognize the things you may not want in your life anymore. I know for me, choosing to quit drinking alcohol almost 4 years ago (August 22nd, woohoo!) caused me to have to make a lot of changes in my life and who I spent a lot of my time with. None of this came from judgment either, it was all about growth and my journey and this did not have to do with anybody else.

I have begun to realize over time and through my conversations, people tend to assume cutting ties with someone in your life has to be a negative thing. In my opinion it really doesn’t, and it is all about personal growth. We all deserve as humans to grow, and we are not all made to grow on the same paths, at the same time. My best advice is to somehow find it in you to be okay with that, even if the other party isn’t. Looking out for ourselves in the present is the best thing we can do. Life is full of surprises, and outgrowing people may not feel good, but it is sometimes necessary to move forward in life. I challenge you to look at your circle, and then take a good look at yourself. The outcome is none of my business, just know that you deserve happiness. Choose people that lift you up and inspire you, and make sure that you are someone that can also inspire and uplift. 

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Please send any topics, comments, suggestions, or questions to ch*********@gm***.com. Everything will remain confidential, unless otherwise agree upon.  

Picture of Chyanne Stanley

Chyanne Stanley

Chyanne joined the cannabis industry in 2016. She has combined her love for people and positivity, with her passion for writing to provide an outlet and safe place for people within the cannabis community to share ideas, discuss topics, and improve overall mental health.

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