Brown or Dark Spots

BoronDeficiency Cannabis

Boron Deficiency

Problem: New Growth is Thick Twisted or Abnormal, Brown Spots A Boron deficiency in cannabis is relatively rare. What is known of the enigmatic role of Boron as a micro-nutrient is that it is essential for healthy and normal plant growth. Boron has a narrow margin of deficiency and toxicity in plants but the signs […]

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Calcium Deficiency

Calcium Calcium is a micronutrient that is responsible healthy growth, cell wall structure and stress reduction. Also, calcium is essential for early growth while flowering. Calcium in contrast to other micronutrients is considered quite large. This effects its ability to be absorbed at the root level in its naturally derived forms. Popular soil amendments like

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cannabis fungus gnats

Fungus Gnats

Fungus Gnats: Sciarid Flies also Known as Bradysia Paupera Fungus gnats are an invasive pest, spending most of their lives causing damage to your plant’s internals and root zones, growers of various mediums need to take precautions and reactive measures once an infestation has occurred. Fungus Gnats As an adult the sciarid flies or fungus

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manganese marijuana deficiency

Manganese Deficiency

Leaves are becoming yellow and developed brown spots. You will see first signs of a manganese deficiency in the stem of each leaf, yellowing between the veins and then moving toward leaf tips. As the deficiency progress’s you will also see stunted growth as well as leaves cracking and shredding apart and falling off. Because

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molybdenum deficiency cannabis

Molybdenum Deficiency

Molybdenum an essential micronutrient Molybdenum is a micronutrient utilized by your plant to synthesize amino acids and is needed in very small quantities. Molybdenum also helps in nitrite/inorganic phosphorus conversion to usable forms to uptake. Toxicities and deficiencies in cannabis are rare with deficiencies being the more common of the two. Deficiencies can be easily

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Nitrogen Toxicity

Nitrogen Toxicity Signs of Nitrogen Toxicity: Plants that are showing signs of nitrogen toxicity will be affected differently at different stages of life for example young growth and young pants can show the telltale dark green leaves as well as a claw like look. But older plants that are in flower might have enough energy

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Nutrient Burn

Nutrient burn is more often than not something every grower has dealt with at one time. Your plants like to eat, sometimes they eat more then they need so when your feed solution has a very high E.C, or PPMS, you will see this very common reaction on your plants. There are benefits to a

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